RydeFreeRT program details

For other posts on the RydeFreeRT program, see category RydeFree RT.

SacRT has provided the program details table below for the RydeFreeRT program, which offers free transit for students in grades K-12. In the initial year, school districts provided part of the funding, but did not in later years. The City of Sacramento has proposed that school districts pick up a greater portion of the program costs in the future, so that the city contribution may be reduced. The City of Sacramento is by far the largest partner, at about 10% of the program, and the other partners total about 5.5%. SacRT which contributes about 85% in direct costs and foregone fares.

It is not clear which fiscal years correspond to the years in the table. The program started in school year 2019, so the years shown may correspond to FY-2020, FY-2021, FY-2022, FY-2023, and FY-2024. We are in FY-2024, which ends June 30, 2024. Fiscal years are labeled by their ending year, not beginning year.

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