light rail beyond American River College

Following on to the post light rail to American River College, this one looks to the northeast, to possible routes to Roseville, Citrus Heights, and Folsom. As shown on the first map (pdf), potential routes include going from Watt/I-80 back onto the Union Pacific Railroad corridor to Roseville, going from American River College (ARC) to Roseville via Auburn Blvd and Riverside Drive, going from ARC to Citrus Heights (Greenback and Sunrise), and going beyond that point to Folsom, closing the loop with the Gold Line.

Blue Line Northeast Extensions

But does it make sense to go beyond ARC with light rail? Light rail is expensive to build, and once built, doesn’t have the flexibility of bus routes. It is an efficient mode when it goes to places with enough density and ridership, relying on concentrations of housing and jobs and other destinations. The three maps below show population density (pdf), environmental justice (LIHM, low income high minority, pdf), and median household income (MHI, pdf).

Blue Line Northeast Extensions with population density
Blue Line Northeast Extensions with Environmental Justice
Blue Line Northeast Extensions with Median Household Income

There is really nothing in these maps to indicate that light rail beyond American River College would be a compelling investment. However, STAR continues to insist that all potential light rail extensions be examined to determine the one that increases ridership and best serves people, and these routes should be included. Apologies for the missing MHI data in Placer County. That dataset needs to be accessed again.

Note: There will be a pause on posts about light rail extensions and infill while other projects are being worked on, but there will be more posts in about two weeks.

2 thoughts on “light rail beyond American River College

  1. I really don’t understand the arguments here against a possible Blue Line extension. The Gold Line has services through similar areas and sustains just as many riders as the current Blue line does and goes through similar density. Also on the argument of low income while yes priority should be given to those regions sustainable Public Transit should be something all people of all income levels can use. It would also help people on existing areas that are already serviced access goods, services, and work in these areas. Plus with Roseville being the 2nd largest city in the metro area and already having a decent bus network a line to one of it’s bus hubs would allow it’s citizens to be able to use the system. Personally I think a two branch Blue line on to Roseville via ARC and one to Folsom like shown on the map would really get people off the roads and allow for future projects to happen and also revitalize the dying Sunrise Mall as a city transit hub for Citrus Heights


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